Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Right to bear arms.

Having the right to bear arms has been an ongoing debate in the United States, I believe we should be able to bear arms. First of all its a constitutional right, and second we citizens need to be able to protect ourselves when the police aernt around. Having a concealed weapon in your house can save you and your family from a burglary, or someone trying to harm you or your family. You need that weapon to defend your family. But there is also good reasons we shouldn't have weapons, such as criminals getting a hold of guns and gangs people with bad intentions. That will always be a problem people are gonna get a hold of guns regardless what we do. That's why he citizens need weapins to defend themselves against the bad people that do have them. This is why we have required background checks to keep criminals from getting Fire arms.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Marijuana Legalization Law

 The legalization of marijuana has been in debate for years now, it's finally being legalized in certain states now. I believe that it should be legalized, the government can tax it and make a lot of money help bring us out of debt, it would also bring our crime rates down substantially.  I read in Huffpost that Oregon which has already legalized marijuana is expected to "reap $17million to $40 million annually on marijuana taxes." Also the Nerd Wallet estimated $50 million to $100 million in annual tax revenue." Also in the Huffpost I read that the police force is happy not to be dealing with marijuana anymore and concentrating on thieves, violent crimes, and criminal cartel. With the police more concentrated on major crimes and not marijuana we will be able to crack down and get them off of our streets and make our society a safer place. There is also some flaws in the legalization. Such as people are going to be high and operation vehicles, which puts people driving at risk. People will be high and not have control over themselves and will be in public which could cause problems. Also with it being legal I think it could cause some crime by the demand people are going to want and need it.  But in the long run the legalization is going to do more good for the U.S. and our economy than bad. So I support the legalization of marijuana.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Americans are more likely to vote if they hate the other party.

In the article the Areil Edwards-Levy is telling us how he believes that we are more likely to vote if we hate the other party, or their practices. In the past 20 years she says that Americans have been very partisan is our voting. That once we vote for a particular party we are likely to keep voting for them, without even being mindful of the other parties. Once we dislike a party that's it, we are very single minded when it comes to politics. She says About fourty percent of eligible 40 Americans will vote that 73 percent will have concervative views and 58 percent will have liberal views. Sixty nine percent of voters with multiple races in their area will vote for the same party again, and nine percent who favored a canadiate will change their parties. People who vote democrat mostly believe that republicans are unsupportive of the middle class. Voters who favor republicans see the democrats as people who differ values or are unhappy with the government. Huffington Post

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Paying Afghanstian

Our governments seems to be broke, but yet we are still aiding to Afghanistan. Over 100 billion dollars is getting sent to them regularly. Their are problems here in the U.S. that aren't getting addressed but we are aiding another country. The U.S. mismanaged and lost over 104 billion dollars that Afghan's managed to steal and take back to Afghanistan. The U.S. also agreed to spend 5.1 billion a year to pay for the army and police of Afghanistan. I feel that the we need to fix and address our problems before we help and aid another country. So yes, I agree that the U.S. needs to do a better job realizing their priorities. New York Times

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Khorasan Group

The Khorasan Group of al Qaeda-Central is a growing threat to the U.S. The Khorasan's are a group of militants from al Qaeda, and master bomb builder Ibrahim al-Asiri. Their strategic is to team up with Western jihadists in Syria, and sneak bombs on to airlines.  The Khorasan group is such a high threat because, they are receiving training from al Qaeda veterans in al Qaeda's branch in Yemen, AQAP. Their reasoning for their acts are if they can damage American airlines, they can damage the American economy. Fox News